This guide covers link building SEO techniques for 2023, including how to create SEO friendly links, optimizing authority of pages and site, implementing link building strategies, and provides advanced link building tips. This tutorial will help you in learning link building techniques in SEO in advanced and prepare you to become a top notch SEO expert having better experience in link building practices.

Link building is the process of acquiring hyperlinks, also known as “backlinks,” for a website with the goal of increasing its visibility on search engines. 

It can be achieved through various tactics including creating valuable content, developing helpful tools, reaching out to others via email, identifying and fixing broken links, and utilizing public relations.

The evolution of search engine ranking algorithms like Yahoo and Alta Vista which relied on the content of webpages to rank results. 

With the introduction of Google’s PageRank Algorithm, the number of links to a webpage was proven to be highly effective, with links remaining a crucial factor in determining the quality of a webpage and a key ranking signal for Google. 

However, after the recent updates Google Penguin have also emphasized the importance of link quality.

In order to improve the Google rankings, it is better to identify the good and bad links and the link building strategies.

Before diving into link building strategies, firstly it is better to know about the identification of links that are worth building.

1. Authority of Pages

Links from authoritative pages have a significant impact on your rankings. The authority of the page linking to you is the most important factor in determining the effectiveness of the link that passes more PageRank to your site.

2. Authority of Site

A link’s quality is determined by the authority of the domain it is from. Tools like “Semrush” can be used to check a site’s “Authority Score” by entering the site’s root URL. A link from a reputable site will have a greater impact than a link from a lesser-known site. 

3. Relevance of Site

Relevancy of a site from which a link is obtained is as important as the site’s authority. 

According to Ex-Googler, relevance has replaced PageRank as a more important factor in determining the value of a link. 

For getting most value from links, it is best to obtain them from authoritative sites that are closely related to the linking site.

For the value of a webpage, the position of a link on a webpage is important. With the link in the main body is more valuable than in the footer and sidebar of a webpage.

Link Position on Page - Link Building Best Practice
Link Position on Page – Link Building Best Practice

A non-editorial link is one placed on a page without considering the quality of the site linked to, while an editorial link is one placed on a page because the site linking to it relies on its quality. Google values those editorial links rather than non-editorial links.

The anchor text within a link gives Google information about the linked page as a ranking signal. 

In general, avoid building links with keyword-rich anchor text. If you do get a connection with your keyword in the anchor text, it helps to uplift your ranking in Google.

Anchor Link on Webpage - Link Building Practice
Anchor Link on Webpage – Link Building Practice

7. Nofollow vs Dofollow

“Rel=nofollow” is a tag attached to a link that tells search engines not to count the link as an endorsement. 

In SEO, it is preferable to get “dofollow” links instead. The quality of links should be evaluated when building them.

For building backlinks Content is very essential but only by publishing content alone will not result in links. The types of Content that are effective for link building are;

1. Visual assets, 2. List posts, 3. Original research and data and 4. In-depth ultimate guides.

  • Visual assets like images, diagrams, infographics, and charts as they are easy to link and share.
  • List posts that provide value & shown to generate more backlinks than other content formats.
  • Original research and data that are highly linkable and often justified by others.
  • In-depth ultimate guides that provide comprehensive information on a given topic and become the go-to resource for that topic.

In 2023, email outreach is necessary to establish white hat links. Please read the provided chapter for guidelines, tips, and strategies to avoid being marked spam.

1. Find Likely Linkers

Likely Linkers are individuals or websites that are likely to link back to your website.

Find Likely Linkers – Powerful Link

A guide to link building would not be complete without discussing black hat SEO. It is characterized by links that are against the Webmaster Guidelines of Google. It is on Individual choice whether to use the black hat link building but in general it is not recommended to use it as of high risk and low reward.

1. Google Penguin

An algorithmic penalty that specifically targets sites that use spammy link-building techniques such as guest posting and blog comment spam.

To prevent the Penguin Penalty, it is recommended to build white hat links and minimize the use of exact match anchor text. It is important to maintain a clean link profile to prevent a manual penalty known as Unnatural Links. If we receive a manual penalty, it can be lifted by removing through rejection and reconsideration requests.

Because resource pages direct visitors to other pages on a specific topic, they can make good target pages for link building.

Using Resource Packages for link building involves;

1) Find resource pages using specific Google search strings

2) Evaluate the worthiness of a link from that page

3) Find content on your site that would be a good fit for that resource page

4) Send a personalized email to the website owner suggesting your content as a resource. 

In addition to replacing broken links on a webpage with your content, we can also use broken link building.

There are various strategies for finding unlinked mentions of a brand to turn them into links. 

Tools like BuzzSumo to find the mentions and to increase the likelihood of emails being read, sending outreach emails in the afternoon time . 

It can also be done by creating visualizations of concepts and ideas to make content more shareable and more likely to be linked to. Additionally, a two-step process for asking for links, before going for the close and also suggests using pre-curated lists of link targets and the SEMrush Backlink Gap tool to find potential link opportunities.

If you have any questions or ideas, you can contact us, and we will be happy to hear from you.

Link building is a major part of SEO and approached with a long-term strategy in mind.

Link building is an important aspect of search engine optimization (SEO) as it helps to improve the visibility and credibility of a website. 

It involves acquiring links from other websites that point to your site by guest blogging, broken link building, and resource link building.

But It is important to focus on building high-quality, relevant links from authoritative websites. Avoiding manipulative or spammy link building techniques is also important as it can lead to penalties from search engines.