You can learn how to write a blog article from one of the many tutorials available.
They can instruct you on the fundamentals of blogging, including best practices. You can learn how to write a blog post that will serve its purpose effectively by reading through them. You might even publish something that garners you one or two devoted followers.
But if you have higher goals and want to learn how to write a blog article that stands out from the crowd and attracts hordes of readers, you need something more advanced than a standard guide.
Let’s Get into the Topic:
Create a Catchy Headline That People Will Find Attractive
Do you want to know one of the most common errors writers make?
Posting on a blog before the headlines (i.e the post title).
They lack a guideline in the absence of a headline. As a result, their post takes several different turns and leaves readers feeling puzzled. They then attempt to write a headline that incorporates all of this lunacy. Bloggers, please be kind!
Spend some time creating a blog title that sets a clear goal, entices readers, and leaves them ready for your guidance if you want to produce a blog post that is fantastic and full of clarity, conciseness, and conviction.
Rule #1: Choose a Mouthwatering Subject
Do you want people to read your blog post? The solution to their problem must then be explicitly promised in your headline. What keeps people awake at night?
They shouldn’t be promised a trip to the moon and back in your headline because readers are far too quick to catch on to such nonsense. Keep the benefit-focused and limited, and readers will be tempted to click and find the answer to their problem.
How can you determine what troubles your readers? How do you decide which of the numerous blog post ideas you have and we know you have many should be written?
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Examine the comments on your posts and the posts of other websites in your specialized field. Distribute surveys to your subscribers asking them to identify their biggest challenges.
Find out which articles in your niche are the most popular using tools like BuzzSumo to gain insight into your target audience’s needs.
Browse the Amazon reviews of books in your field; you’ll uncover a veritable gold mine of commentary to delve into. As a blogger, you just have one duty to fulfill. To service, your audience is the next step. The more you understand them, the better you can help.
Rule #2: Steal from the Experts
Now that you’ve done your research, you are certain of the needs of your audience. It’s time to turn your topic into a catchy headline at this point.
What is the simplest method to learn how to write headlines?
Steal. No, not in an unethical manner. shrewdly and effectively.
The kinds of headlines that have consistently worked in copywriting and advertising have been identified. headlines that jolt readers out of their informational stupor and urge them to open. Why interfere with that investigation? Keep using what works if you want your headlines to capture readers. No, you don’t have to make your headlines sound like they were lifted from BuzzFeed. They may convey your voice and mannerisms.
However, unless your writing abilities are on par with Jon Morrow’s, use the tested templates as your guide (how do you suppose he became so proficient at crafting headlines?).
Why not use themes when you have them available when blogging is difficult enough as it is?
The simplest starting templates? headlines for list posts and “how to” articles. They are tried and true classics. In actuality, these formats are used in 75% of the posts on Smart Blogger.
Rule #3: Use all of your senses.
Readers are left feeling depleted by vague headlines. They feel more understood while reading concrete headlines.
How do you come up with real-world headlines?
Consider yourself to be your reader.
Just how do they feel? How do they feel? How do they taste? They hear what?
Use sensory words to stimulate all of your senses. Their perception that your high-quality material was produced specifically for them will increase the more your headline captures their exact experience.
Rule #4: Tease, Don’t Satisfy
A common mistake you may not even realize you’re making that is giving away too much in your headlines. Your headlines should lure readers in like a literary temptress. They should catch readers’ attention and invoke their curiosity, not give a solution.
Give a solution in your headline and readers feel no need to go any further — they’re bored by the very thought of your post. When this happens, not only do you lose but your readers lose as well, as they trade the richness of your perfect blog post’s advice for the quick fix offered by the headline.
Using the following headline as an example, suppose you write a personal finance blog:
“Making a Monthly Budget: How to Invest for Retirement”
However, after reading this, readers will assume they have received all the guidance they need, namely that they need to make a monthly budget to save for retirement. No need to keep reading. But, the following change would be appropriate:
“How to Invest for Retirement When You’re On a Minimum Salary?”
This headline would attract the interest of everyone who makes ends meet. Nothing is revealed, it addresses a group of people who are struggling with a very specific issue, and it makes a solution that they would kill for.
Rule #5: Obey the Headline Commandment
There is one rule you can never follow when it comes to headlines. Although it may seem clear, writers unintentionally make this mistake frequently.
They promise too much. Major no-no. Your post’s content needs to fulfill every promise made in the headline.
Readers will feel misled and lose faith in you if the piece merely offers a portion of the solution. That should never be done to them, agree?
How to Have a Calm and Happy Life?
However, the article just discusses pursuing your ambitions, which is essentially one part of leading a contented and fulfilled life. Even though you didn’t mean to mislead them, readers will nevertheless feel underwhelmed.
Rule # 6: Reduce the Fat in the Headline
Want to start by intimidating readers? Use a lot of flimsy and weak words in your headline.
What are the words “weak and flabby”? empty, pointless words that don’t add anything. Instead, they produce awkward language that makes readers shake their heads in disbelief.
The error that many bloggers commit is writing their headlines in their natural speech. While that’s (mostly) acceptable when you write the piece, when you create headlines like this, it dilutes them. You want your headlines to be as ruthlessly brief and compelling as possible. Hence, replace weak words with stronger ones (if appropriate).
Rule #7: Don’t Be a Smarty-Pants
All readers should be able to understand your title regardless of where they are coming from or how they are reading your piece. The benefit shouldn’t have to be inferred from them. After all, rather than the other way around, you should be able to read their minds.
So, when writing your headlines, you should avoid utilizing metaphors (unless their meaning is painfully evident), jargon, rhymes, made-up terminology, and anything else that tries to be unduly clever or complicated.
Rule #8: Rock Your Style
Your audience will sense greater trust in you if you are more consistent with them. Your viewers will become confused if you typically write headlines that are very straightforward and then produce one that is crammed with strong words.
You will create a writing style as you write more. Once you’ve identified that style, adhere to it consistently (or, if required, make small, incremental alterations) to help your audience become familiar with and confident in your company.
Create a Captivating, Seductive Introduction
Your headline has drawn readers in. You must now keep them. A difficult assignment, my friend. Readers are erratic, known to just glance at your online haven before disappearing from it.
You have to struggle to keep them there, and how you write your introduction has a big impact on how committed they are to browsing.
To write an engaging beginning, remember the following guidelines:
Put Yourself in their Shoes
Have you ever come across a blog that just screams “amateur”? One common mistake is trying too hard to sound overly intellectual in the beginning.
You’ve probably seen it before – starting with a research-based statement like, “According to research, 92% of people don’t succeed in achieving their goals because they can’t establish and maintain the habits needed to do so.”
Now, don’t get me wrong, as a lawyer, I certainly respect thorough research. But in the context of blogging, readers often find this approach tedious. Instead, aim to connect with your readers and make them feel understood. Try to tap into their thoughts and feelings – this is what will truly captivate them.
Get into Character
If you’re looking to grab your readers’ attention, you’ve got to connect with them emotionally. As you sit down to write, take some time to consider the emotions you want your readers to feel. Do you want to scare them? Inspire them? Make them laugh or cry?
Once you’ve identified the emotions you’re aiming for, it’s time to immerse yourself in them. Get into character and feel those emotions as you write. This will add an authentic, human touch to your words that readers will truly appreciate.
So don’t be afraid to play with your emotions a bit. Map out the emotional journey you want to take your readers on, and infuse those feelings into your writing. If you can feel the emotions you want your audience to feel, your words will naturally convey that same emotional depth.
And remember – this tip is particularly crucial when it comes to your introduction. After all, it’s your first chance to connect with your readers and draw them in.
Draw the Reader Down the Page
If you want your readers to engage with your content, you’ve got to keep them hooked from the very beginning. The faster they get pulled in, the more invested they’ll feel in your post.
But if you stumble out of the gate with a clunky opening paragraph, your readers might just hit the “back” button and never look back. So here are a few tips for crafting intros that draw readers in:
#1. Start with a short, snappy sentence or question.
Think of it as a hook to reel readers in. This is a technique used by many successful bloggers, and for good reason – it works!
Long, rambling intros are a turn-off for readers. Keep things concise and to the point, and you’ll grab their attention right off the bat.
#2. Cut out the fluff.
The more efficient your writing, the more powerful it becomes. Try slashing unnecessary words and streamlining your intros to make them as punchy as possible.
The best writing is lean and focused, so try to pare down your opening paragraph to its bare essentials.
#3. Set the pace.
Good writing has a rhythm and flow that keeps readers engaged. In your intro, you want to establish a quick pace that pulls readers along.
Use short sentences and snappy paragraphs to keep things moving. And don’t be afraid to experiment with delayed transitions and other techniques to create a sense of momentum.
Ultimately, the key to great writing is all about taking readers on a journey. You want to build momentum and keep them engaged, using a mix of fast and slow, loud and soft, urgency and ease. If you can master this skill, you’ll be able to create blog posts that truly captivate your readers from beginning to end.
Make them Ask
If you want to hook readers and have them craving your solutions, try tapping into their fears.
What keeps your readers up at night? What’s the worst possible outcome if they don’t address the problem your post is tackling?
Don’t shy away from those fears – bring them front and center. By doing so, you’re not only showing your readers that you understand their concerns, but you’re also creating a sense of urgency for the solution you’re presenting.
After all, we all have fears. And the more we talk about them, the easier they become to manage. So don’t be afraid to shine a light on your readers’ fears – it might just be the thing that propels them toward the solution they’ve been seeking.
Promised Land hints
As you conclude your introduction, tease the readers with a glimpse of the promised land. Paint a picture of the destination they will reach after mastering your techniques.
However, be careful not to reveal too much. A single sentence that gives away too many details is enough to satisfy readers, making them lose interest and move on.
Why? Because readers quickly lose interest if they know everything upfront. You want to keep them engaged and curious. The purpose of your introduction is not to provide all the answers but to create excitement and anticipation for the valuable advice you will provide in the rest of the post.
Provide Information That Is Simple to Understand and Hard to Ignore
Great job! You successfully enticed readers to click on your headline and drew them in with a captivating intro. Now, it’s time to fulfill the promises you made and deliver the content they’re eagerly anticipating.
If you want your readers to become loyal fans who eagerly await every new post, you need to go above and beyond their expectations. Over-deliver and give them more than they were expecting. This will make them feel valued and appreciated, and they’ll be more likely to stick around.
However, if you fail to deliver on your promises, your readers will quickly lose interest and move on. Don’t let that happen! The choice is yours, so make sure you provide high-quality content that meets and exceeds their expectations.
Include Pit Stops
Blogging can be a daunting task, but keeping these four tips in mind when writing your subheads can make a huge difference in your readers’ experience:
- Add a subhead every few paragraphs to guide readers along the route of your post and make their experience feel clear, easy, and enjoyable. Too much text without enough pit stops can overwhelm readers and cause them to lose interest.
- Avoid the three subhead blunders that make readers bounce: the plain label subhead, the spoiler subhead, and the cryptic subhead. Treat your subheads like mini-headlines and make sure they invoke curiosity without giving too much away or being too clever.
- Compare each subhead to your main headline to ensure that they deliver on the promise of your post. If they get off track, readers will feel lost and confused.
- Follow a consistent format if you are listing various ways, steps, methods, or signs to achieve what your headline promises. This will make your post polished and easy to read, and it will prevent distracting inconsistencies.
By implementing these tips, you can create subheads that not only guide readers through your post but also make them excited to keep reading.
Bring Out the Unexpected
Let’s be real, in today’s world, we all crave information. It’s like an addiction we can’t get enough of. But let’s face it, the same old boring advice isn’t going to cut it. To capture your reader’s attention, your post must be unique, daring, and captivating.
My suggestion? Start by listing your main points and then think about how you can add a unique perspective, experience, or twist to them. Something that readers won’t expect.
What have you learned that challenges traditional beliefs? What insights do you have that most people are unaware of? How can you shed new light on an old problem? Are there methods you use that others aren’t familiar with?
Now, I’m not saying to go overboard just for the sake of adding shock value. Your advice should be genuine and truly helpful. However, rehashing old advice won’t challenge you as a writer or enlighten your audience. So why not serve your readers a little shot of espresso for their information hangover by delivering the unexpected?
Follow a Formula
Have you ever read a post that feels disjointed and all over the place? It’s not a pleasant experience, right?
That’s why consistency is key when it comes to writing great content. Whether it’s the length of your sections, the structure of your subheads or the way you end each section, sticking to a consistent formula can help enhance the reader’s experience.
Think about it. If you’re writing a post with a list of steps, and one step is significantly longer than the others, it can be distracting and make the post feel unpolished. To take it to the next level, consider creating a guiding formula for each section. Maybe you start with a bold statement or share a personal experience, then offer your advice and end with a clear call to action.
Using consistent formulas in your writing can make your posts easier to read and feel like polished works of art. And your readers will thank you for it.
Be Very Generous
As a blogger, you might be concerned about revealing too much in your posts. It’s understandable; you want readers to sign up for your paid coaching or products.
However, here’s the thing – if you hold back on your advice and don’t give your readers the full picture, they won’t have a favorable impression of your paid products.
So, be generous with your readers. Work through the problem with them and provide complete solutions and powerful advice. Show them your expertise and generosity, and they’ll become loyal readers and customers who appreciate your value.
Begin and Finish Strong
When writing a blog post, it’s important to keep your readers engaged throughout. Your introduction and conclusion should be attention-grabbing, but it’s also crucial that the main body of your post starts and ends strongly.
While every section of your post must contain great content, you may want to consider saving your best tips for the beginning and end. For instance, if you’re offering five ways to achieve a specific goal, try placing your most valuable tips in the first and fifth sections. This approach will grab your readers’ attention right from the start and leave them feeling fully satisfied when they reach the end.
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On the other hand, if the quality of your tips decreases as readers progress through your post, they’ll feel like they’re losing interest. Ultimately, this will result in a deflating experience that will leave your readers feeling less excited than when they started.
In summary, if you want to keep your readers engaged and excited, make sure that your blog post starts and ends strongly, and keep the quality of your tips consistent throughout.
Finish on an Inspiring Note
We’re getting close to the finish line! It’s time to end your post strongly.
Here is where you support your readers. Prove your belief in them through your actions. Make them feel like they can do what your title promises (because after reading your generous advice, they certainly can).
When writing your inspirational conclusion, abide by these guidelines:
Give Your Readers a Boost
Encourage your audience. Show them their progress, their potential, and how their life will be once they follow your recommendations.
Give them the motivational speech you yearned for when you were having trouble understanding the subject of your post. By having higher standards for them, you may empower them. They must act; they cannot simply read your post and pretend it never happened. Immediately.
Help them understand that their time is now, despite whatever they have gone through or how hard they have struggled.
Do not use new information
A frequent error that many bloggers commit?
Immediately adding new details or suggestions to their findings. It’s similar to getting to the final 10 minutes of a gripping movie. As you are anxiously awaiting the conclusion, a new character is abruptly introduced. It is stunning. Don’t subject your readers to it.
Improve Your Post to Make It Smoother Than a Slip-and-Slide
Congratulations, you’ve finished writing your post! That’s no small feat. Now, it’s time to give yourself a well-deserved break. Stepping away for a day or more can help you come back to your post with fresh eyes and a clearer perspective.
When you’re ready, it’s time to dive into the editing process. I know, it might feel overwhelming to have more work to do, but editing is an essential step to ensuring your post is the best it can be. A post that provides a smooth reading experience will keep your reader engaged and interested, whereas a post with errors and inconsistencies will cause your reader to lose interest and move on.
To make sure your post is polished and ready for the world to see, use this checklist when editing:
- When it comes to writing, less is often more. Take a critical eye to your work and cut out any unnecessary words, sentences, or paragraphs. Only include what is essential to convey your message.
- Remember, your readers are looking to you for motivation, not a lecture. Tweak any statements that come across as condescending, and make sure your readers feel like you’re on their side and dedicated to their success.
- Writing that lacks passion, energy, and enthusiasm is a surefire way to lose readers. Make sure your writing is infused with emotion and enthusiasm. If you’re bored by your topic, your readers will be too.
- Breaking up large paragraphs and clarifying complicated wording can make your writing much more accessible. Use examples or metaphors to make complex ideas feel more tangible and relatable to your readers.
- Keep your writing focused and to the point, ensuring that each sentence, paragraph, and section drives the post forward. Avoid contradictory statements, repetitive ideas, and abrupt topic changes.
- Make sure your writing flows seamlessly from one sentence to the next, using transitions and avoiding choppy breaks. And don’t forget to add some visual interest with relevant images, screenshots, and infographics.
- Be consistent in your use of lists and categories, and eliminate any weak or flabby words. And of course, be honest and give credit where credit is due.
Remember, the more you write, the more you’ll find your authentic writing voice. So don’t be afraid to experiment and find what works best for you.
By taking the time to edit your post, you’ll be able to create a piece of content that is engaging, informative, and enjoyable to read. Trust me, it’s worth the extra effort.
Win the Battle for Your Reader’s Attention
Blogging can be a challenging battle. It’s a fight to grab attention and make your ideas stand out amidst the endless sea of online distractions that can pull readers away.
It’s not a battle for the weak-willed. There are many learning curves, from blogging platforms and plugins to social networks and content marketing strategies. However, all of these efforts will be in vain if your writing is subpar. Amateur writing can quickly turn readers off and make all of your efforts futile.
Before you dive too deep into the world of blogging, it’s essential to know how to write like a pro. This is a learnable skill that’s worth mastering. Your ideas and words have the power to transform lives, and that’s a fight worth fighting.
So when you’re ready to take on this challenge, arm yourself with the knowledge and strategies outlined in this ultimate guide. Your readers are depending on you to deliver content that captures their attention and keeps them engaged. Don’t let them down.