This is my comprehensive 2023 guide to content marketing. You will get the following information in this brand-new guide:
- How to advertise your work
- Content types that are currently in use
- 2023’s leading trends in content marketing
- Fresh approaches to content development
- A lot of sophisticated approaches, strategies, and tips
Thus, you’ll enjoy today’s guide if you wish to increase visitors to your content this year. Let’s start now.
Chapter1: Double Down on Video Content
Is “the future of content marketing” truly video?
Yup! In fact, since 2017, the number of companies using video in their marketing has increased by 38%. And 72% of customers claim that they “prefer” watching videos over reading text-based content presently.
This chapter is for you if you want to start using video marketing or step up what you’re already doing. I’ll share some of the advice and lessons I’ve learned from creating hundreds of hours of video content with you in this chapter.
Nail Your Videos Intros
No matter if you’re producing a video for Twitter, LinkedIn, or YouTube. Your intro is vital to producing a fantastic video.
A solid initial 15 seconds can “keep users watching,” according to internal YouTube data. So, you should refrain from opening your videos with a flashy, animated logo.
Focus on YouTube
Videos can be posted on Facebook. Instagram Reels are also. But, YouTube should be your main priority if you want your video material to be seen by as many people as possible.
First off, YouTube has a larger global audience than Facebook, Instagram, or any other website outside Google. Most crucially, YouTube videos can continue to be viewed YEARS after they are first uploaded.
(Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any other social media platform cannot be compared.)
Optimize for Suggested Videos
The fact that YouTube exposes your material to new audiences is another fantastic feature. And what is the greatest way to have your YouTube videos seen?
The “Suggested Video” optimization. As you are likely aware, the Recommended Video section on YouTube sits to the right of the video you are currently viewing. It turns out that the majority of YouTube views originate through this page rather than via searches.
Chapter2: Email Makes a Comeback
In 2023, email marketing will be a significant trend in content marketing. Also, I’ll demonstrate how to create an email list, use email newsletters to promote your content, and more in Chapter 2.
Replace Your Blog Feed with a Homepage
If you manage a blog, your homepage definitely has an outdated appearance. I won’t call this strategy “terrible,” though. But it’s unquestionably not conversion-optimized. Therefore I made the decision to conduct an A/B test comparing my blog feed to a site created with conversions in mind. It increased the conversion rate of our homepage.
Topic Upgrades
Building your email list with content upgrades is still very effective. They are quite difficult to keep up with. You must update your Content Upgrade PDF each time you make a modification to your material.
And given that we update our content more than 500 times a year, this turned out to be a major issue. Until I learned about Topic Upgrades, that is. A simplified form of a conventional Content Upgrade is Topic Upgrade. You provide something that is specific to that topic in place of a resource that is specific to that post.
Send Exclusive Content
You can’t merely send folks links to your most recent blog pieces and podcast episodes if you want them to stay on your email list. Indeed, you should include 10% or so of your email content that is exclusive and not found on your blog.
Chapter3: Scale Your Content Marketing
Document Don’t Create
Instead of developing content from the beginning, the goal is to chronicle what you’re already doing simply. The “Document, Don’t Create” philosophy has two primary advantages:
First off, your stuff is produced much better. The second is that documentation is SO MUCH quicker and easier. After all, you’re recording what you do every day.
We were able to increase the number of monthly postings from 1 to 2 primarily thanks to the “Document, Don’t Create” strategy. I’m able to write more material because it details the SEO effort I perform every day.
Get Super Organized
Scaling up is made easier with a team. Yet it’s insufficient. I also had to learn this lesson the hard way.
As I just said, I employed a large number of individuals to assist with the material. But I didn’t provide them with the means to work together. Or quickly discover what has to be done next. This prevents it from being merely a list of impending material.
It is a site where users may give themselves tasks to complete. communicate while staying on schedule. Hence, we had a single source of information about what was actually done. what was absent. Which production steps were involved.
Chapter4: Publish “Be The Source” Content
Want your content marketing to generate more traffic in 2023? Test out the “Be The Source” material. The Posts titled “Be The Source” are based on research and include fresh, intriguing material.
(Information that journalists and bloggers might use in their stories.)
In fact, according to BuzzSumo, 74% of those who have published original research content claim that it has increased their traffic. Hence, you might want to give Be The Source material a try this year if you want to increase links, traffic, and shares from your content marketing.
I’ll also walk you through the lessons I’ve learned from writing a ton of Be The Source blogs over the past few years in this chapter.
Choose the Right Topic For Your “Be The Source” Content
There are two approaches to coming up with subjects that will work well for Be The Source blogs.
To start, you can expand on a tested subject. Because SEO professionals were already Quite interested in that subject. In fact, references to this vintage image were still being made everywhere.
Focus on Validity
There’s a significant condition to bear in mind with content from Be The Source: The data in your study must be wholly valid if you want others to take it seriously. It can also be very damaging to your reputation to publish inaccurate data or findings.
Visualize Your Findings
Your Be The Source Content benefits from visuals for two key reasons: They first facilitate understanding of your data.
Consider the statistic that reads, “The average Time to First Byte (TTFB) of a voice search result was.54 seconds (vs. the worldwide average of 2.1 seconds).”
It’s quite challenging to imagine something like that. In addition, images provide other bloggers with something to include in their writings. that may result in relevant backlinks.
Chapter5: Jump on Emerging Topics
One method to make your content stand out is using epic content. Another tip: get involved in hot subjects AS SOON AS THEY EMERGE.
How can you identify trends that are just starting to gain traction?
What should you do after you locate one, then? That’s exactly what I’m going to talk about in this chapter.
Google Trends Related Queries
When determining whether a keyword is expanding or contracting, Google Trends is Amazing. But, it’s not very good at bringing up hot issues that you aren’t already aware of. If you don’t look at the “Related Queries” column, that is. This is how it goes:

Start by looking up a keyword that you believe is growing upward.

Then look through the list of related searches at the bottom of the page. This is Google’s approach of displaying terms that are about to take off which is really beneficial.
Create Epic Content Around That Topic
What happens once you discover an emergent topic?
A video can be made. Perhaps a list post. or a roadmap. It doesn’t really matter what format is used. It’s crucial that you create something incredibly comprehensive. Because the subject is so recent, your writing will quickly become THE authoritative source on it.
Chapter6: Create More Epic Content
Now more than ever, content is being published. The difficulty of making your material stand out is thus greatly increased.
In actuality, this sector survey reveals that there are ZERO external links in 94% of online material. In light of this, how can you promote your content in 2023?
Epic Information
Epic content is exactly what it sounds like: it’s material that is so extensive, in-depth, and stunning that it can’t help but attract attention. I’ll also demonstrate how to apply this strategy as part of your digital marketing campaigns in this chapter.
Content Design is a Competitive Advantages
Your content can truly stand out with the right design. Yes, the information was excellent. But in my opinion, the reason this guide did so well was due to its expert design.
Quality > Quantity
What matters more in terms of content marketing in 2023: Quantity? Maybe Quality?
Quality, in my opinion, is the answer. It’s also not even close. Unless you have a sizable writing staff, it’s essentially hard to produce a ton of epic content. The truth is that creating epic content requires effort, time, and numerous revisions. It’s difficult to climb.
Work With Domain Experts
This is the key to authentic “high-quality content,” in certain senses.
So, what does “Work With Domain Experts” mean? Let’s imagine you’re preparing to write a post about how to launch a SaaS business.
Two methods can be used to write this content:
A) Employ a haphazard freelancer to write the article.
Collaborate with an entrepreneur who recently attracted 1,000 customers for their business as option B.
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Yes, the freelancer’s work may be of “good” quality. Nevertheless, it won’t have the depth that only Domain Specialists can provide. A subject matter expert can discuss SaaS from personal experience, including specifics, illustrations, beta versions, reservations, alliances, and pricing experiments.
Chapter7: Content Repurposing 2.0
Reusing material allows you to expand your content marketing efforts without having to start from scratch each time you want to produce something fresh. Because of this, content repurposing is a popular trend in content marketing at the moment.
Over the past few years, people’s expectations of content have significantly increased. So, it is not sufficient to just read an article into a microphone and end the session. This chapter will demonstrate how to incorporate content repurposing into your 2023 content strategy.
Match The Content To Each Format
Even from two to three years ago, content standards have evolved significantly. Back then, a single blog post’s content could be used again in a variety of ways.
Use your original article’s principles, ideas, and examples going forward. alter it Perfectly for the new format.
Reuse Specific Steps and Tips
This method works even if you don’t repeat a whole piece of content. In fact, you can use a portion from an existing piece of content as one of your best sections. and utilize that elsewhere.
Now It’s Your Turn
That is my overview on content marketing for 2023. I’d want to hear your thoughts now:
Which tactic from this manual will you employ first?
Do you intend to produce additional videos? Or perhaps you want to experiment with content alliances. In either case, please let me know straight away by leaving a comment below.